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Camp consensus

This is a document that describes how we relate to each other and to outside organisations, press and authorities when we are at the camp.

Respect, kindness and solidarity

We aspire to treat eachother with respect, kindness and solidarity. All behaviors which fall into categories like; racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, ageism – are completely unacceptable at the camp.

If someone tells you that a behavior of yours is problematic: listen to them, ask questions and try to understand. Think for yourself and approach the situation as a learning opportunity. It is normal to disagree with one another. We try to approach disagreement as an opportunity to further our understanding of different people and opinions.

Help the camp run smoothly

We all want the camp to be a fun and meaningful experience and for that to be possible we all need to help out. During the camp there will be chances to help with a variety of chores. Come to the information tent to find out how to become part of the camp.

Well-being group

Throughout the camp, there will be a group that supports well-being and that we all do our bit of the care work that makes a camp go round by caring for each other. Reach out if you need support, snacks, loses track of your buddy or group, feel lost, need a hug, need someone to talk to or just want to chill for a bit. Come hang out! We’re wearing pink vests, and we have a whole cosy tent.


4 professionally trained medics will be available for support with everything from a headache or menstrual cramps to cases of more serious injuries. Don’t hesitate to reach out to them if you or your comrade are worried or have been hurt. They can be found in the well-being tent.

Alcohol and drugs

Alcohol and drugs are not to be used on camp.

Press and media

Take Concrete Action assists with people who are happy to talk to the media, at any time during all days of the camp. If the press are searching for someone to speak to, please direct them to one of our media representatives.

It has happened several times that right-wing extremists have posed as journalists to gather information on activists. They may have expensive equipment and act in a professional manner, but that does not mean that they are trustworthy. Be careful not to give out information about yourself, other people, or the camp itself. Remember that you never have to answer any of their questions. If you suspect that you may have been approached by one of these fraudulent journalists, please contact someone at the info tent as soon as possible.


To make it easier for both the camp and the police, there will be dedicated police contacts on site. If you are approached by police, please direct them to our police contacts or the info tent.

If there is a sudden influx of police in or around the camp, please inform the info tent immediately. 

Remember that unless you are under arrest, you have no obligation to speak to or comply with police. More information about Swedish law and police will be available at camp.

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