Tace Concrete Action Pulp Fiction logotype


Under våren kommer vi hålla informationsträffar, studiecirklar och öppna planeringsmöten. Här kan du se vad vi har planerat inom den närmsta framtiden. Vill du vara säker på att inte missa något så skriv upp dig på vårt nyhetsbrev nedan.


Öppet infomöte i Stockholm

8 maj, 18:00

Denna sommar samlas vi därför i Gävle. Med detta infomöte vill vi prata om sommarens klimatläger, varför vi samlas, vad vi kan göra åt hoten mot svensk skog – och hur vi kan gå från tanke till handling.

  • Plats: Solidaritetshuset, Tegelviksgatan 40
  • Datum: Onsdag 8 maj, kl. 18:00-19:30
  • Hitta hit: 10-15 minuter promenad från Skanstull. Närmaste busshållplats, Barnängen.


OPEN MEETINGS / ÖPPNA MÖTEN (15:th and 29:th of may)


Denna sommar samlas vi i Gävle 15-19:e juni för ett klimatläger. Har du undrat varför vi samlas, vad vi kan göra åt hoten mot svensk skog eller hur vi kan gå från tanke till handling? Har du tänkt åka, men vill veta mer? Eller vill du bara titta förbi för att plocka upp lite affischer, flygblad eller klistermärken? Välkommen!

Plats: Syndikalistiskt Forum, Viktoriahuset
Datum: Onsdagarna 15:e och 29:e maj, kl. 18:30-19:30


Nätverket TCA är en blandad skara klimaträttviseaktivister ifrån olika delar av Sverige som har tröttnat på politikers oförmåga att få saker gjort i miljö- och klimatfrågan. Vi vill att du kommer med oss till Gävle, umgås, nätverkar och filar på aktioner – för en värld värd att leva i! Vi tror på låga trösklar och att alla ska kunna delta efter förmåga.



This summer we are meeting in Gävle 15:th to 19:th of june for a climate justice camp. Have you thought about why we are meeting, what we can do to protect the forest or how we move from idea to action? Have you thought about going, but want more information? Or just want to swing by and pick up some posters, flyers or stickers? Welcome!

We will open up our meetings on two wednesdays (15:th and the 29:th). Location: Syndikalistiskt Forums bookcafé in Viktoriahuset.


Block Tesla – Disrupt Elon // Infotour with DISRUPT 🔥

In Grünheide, near Berlin, 1 million new Teslas will roll off the production line every year, joining the avalanche of cars on the motorways. After three more expansion phases, the plant on the outskirts of Berlin will be the largest car factory in Europe. We want to stop that. More than 250,000 new cars are already produced there every year, adding to the useless electric and combustion engine junk that clogs up our roads and that no one needs in a future where mobility belongs to everyone.

The misogynistic Twitter fascist Elon Musk has used his brand to establish the electric car as a ’green’ alternative to the internal combustion engine. But electric cars are not the solution. They are the continuation of the individual transport madness by other means. And that is neither sustainable nor green. The production of an electric car creates a huge ecological footprint through the consumption of resources and thus drives the global climate catastrophe even further.

The idea of another huge car factory in Germany is absurd in the face of the climate catastrophe. That is why we must make a concerted effort to stop this trend. When it comes to mobility, the climate justice movement has often focused on the expansion of roads and motorways. This is absolutely right. But if we want to stop the flood of metal, we must also tackle the source of the problem, the production sites and German car capitalism.
So let’s join forces to stop the expansion of the Tesla factory before the supposed alternative of electric cars becomes a real nightmare. Every tree felled for Tesla is one too many, and every litre of water taken from the ground is wasted.

Instead of perpetuating car capitalism in a green guise, we have to end it! We invited comrades from DISRUPT, to talk about their plans to stop car capitalism and for an anticapitalist future. Join the action days in Berlin from 8-12 May.


Efter the presentation from DISRUPT we (Take Concrete Action) will present the climate camp we are arranging this summer in Gävle, between 15-19:th of June. Welcome!

WHERE: Viktoriahuset, Linnégatan
WHEN: Thursday the 11:th of April, starting 18:00

Contact: tcagbg@riseup.net


Info-tour: Disrupt Tesla!

WHAT: Info-talk about upcoming climate action
WHERE: Smålands Nation
WHEN: Saturday the 13:th of April, starting 13:00

In Grünheide, near Berlin, 1 million new Teslas will roll off the production line every year, joining the avalanche of cars on the motorways. After three more expansion phases, the plant on the outskirts of Berlin will be the largest car factory in Europe. We want to stop that. More than 250,000 new cars are already produced there every year, adding to the useless electric and combustion engine junk that clogs up our roads and that no one needs in a future where mobility belongs to everyone.

The misogynistic Twitter fascist Elon Musk has used his brand to establish the electric car as a ’green’ alternative to the internal combustion engine. But electric cars are not the solution. They are the continuation of the individual transport madness by other means. And that is neither sustainable nor green. The production of an electric car creates a huge ecological footprint through the consumption of resources and thus drives the global climate catastrophe even further.

The idea of another huge car factory in Germany is absurd in the face of the climate catastrophe. That is why we must make a concerted effort to stop this trend. When it comes to mobility, the climate justice movement has often focused on the expansion of roads and motorways. This is absolutely right. But if we want to stop the flood of metal, we must also tackle the source of the problem, the production sites and German car capitalism.

So let’s join forces to stop the expansion of the Tesla factory before the supposed alternative of electric cars becomes a real nightmare. Every tree felled for Tesla is one too many, and every litre of water taken from the ground is wasted.

Instead of perpetuating car capitalism in a green guise, we have to end it! We invited comrades from DISRUPT, to talk about their plans to stop car capitalism and for an anticapitalist future. Join the action days in Berlin from 8-12 May.

TCA-mingel! Kom och träffa oss som är aktiva inom klimatnätverket Take Concrete Action i Öresundsregionen. Vad har vi på gång? Vad händer i sommar? Hur kan du gå med?

Tid: 18/2, 14:00

Plats: Svarta koppen, Sofielunds folkets hus (Rolfsgatan 16), Malmö


by Klimafælden

Take Concrete Action is getting ready for their next stunt: Pulp Fiction in June!

TCA is a mixed group of climate activists from Sweden who are tired of politicians and their inability to take the climate crisis seriously. Sweden is often portrayed as a forest country. But, Sweden is a country of tree plantations and calves. Only a few islands of nature reserve remain in an otherwise dead landscape. If the forest capital gets what it wants, even the last breathing holes will be suffocated for good. It’s time to put the foot down! TCA is taking action, and YOU can be a part of it! TCA invites all activists in Denmark to join them in Gävle this summer for the raddest climate camp in Sweden’s history, in tandem with an even radder mass action!

In preparation for their camp & action we are hosting a support event to raise funds for their campaign.

Come and join us for a pub quiz & fries on the 24th of February.

We start with fries at 18:00 and the pub quiz will commence at 20:00. Bring cash to buy yourself cheap beers, nice fries and to participate in the quiz!


Folkets Hus
Stengade 50
2200 København N

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